5 Reasons why you should consider Helios coatings

Let’s talk about something that’s crucial but often an afterthought in the manufacturing world - coatings. If you’re looking to give your products an edge, you need to know about Helios Industrial Coatings. Here are five compelling reasons why you should consider Helios Coatings


1. Automotive Industry’s Seal of Approval

Let’s start with credentials. Helios is a trusted name in the automotive industry, with decades of expertise in manufacturing primers, base coats, monolayers, and clear coats. As an authorised OEM provider, Helios is synonymous with quality and reliability. This is the kind of experience you want behind your coatings.


2. A Spectrum of Applications

What’s remarkable about Helios coatings is their versatility. They’re formulated for a wide range of metal substrates and are perfect for everything from steel and aluminium wheels to structural parts and powertrain components. If it’s metal, Helios has a coating solution for it.


3. Tailored for Perfection

Customisation is key in manufacturing, and Helios understands this. We offer coatings in a range of colours and gloss levels, allowing you to achieve the precise aesthetic you’re aiming for. At 360 we will assess your project and working together with Helios’s consultants we will find the right solution for you.


4. Unmatched Protection

In manufacturing, protecting your products is paramount. Helios coatings excel in this department, offering superior corrosion protection, durability, and high performance. Whether you’re in the automotive sector or the ACE (Agriculture, Construction, and Earthmoving) market, Helios coatings are designed to withstand the test of time. It’s also worth noting that Helios is the only coating manufacturer that meets the standard for Komatsu worldwide and Eguchi Iwao, partnering with Helios recently won the UK contract for their manufacturing plant in Sunderland.


5. The Power of Powder Coatings

Finally, let’s talk about Helios powder coatings. These are not just functional but also incredibly versatile in terms of appearance and properties. From chemical resistance to anti-graffiti, the range of functions is impressive. Plus, the variety of colours and textures means you can achieve the exact look and feel you want.


So, if you’re in the manufacturing sector in South Africa and are looking for coatings that combine aesthetics with performance, Helios Industrial Coatings is an excellent choice. Give your products the quality they deserve and give us a call to set up a meeting with one of our consultants and we will deliver on time every time.


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